16 Aug ~ FynFyn admitted... :"(
While I'm on my way inside the train heading to nail sch for self revision to get prepared for Sun exam after ending from work, received a call from home & thought that it was just an usual call calling to check if I'm heading back home for dinner but it was not... 2nd Sis called & told me that FynFyn is not behaving as usual, feeling weak & strengthless... Immediately, alighted from Commonwealth station & flag for a cab home... Cab uncle waited for me downstairs while I rush home to get FynFyn report card & then brought her to The Animal Clinic located at Clementi, Sunset way before they closed at 8.30pm, Gordon accomapany me there...
Upon reaching the clinic, register FynFyn & skipping the queue no., she got examinated as her condition seems to be quite serious as mention by the vet... My heartbeat was pumping like double faster than usual, panic & worried... :( The vet then suggested me to bring her over to the another clinic as she might need to be admitted overnight, they placed 2 warm gloves below FynFyn so as to keep her warm & they didn't charge me for any consultation fee too... Quickly cab over to Companion Animal Surgery located at Blastier, Boon Teck Road... Waited for quite awhile before Dr Goh had FynFyn examinated, doctor took a blood test on her & it reflected 'low' & suspected that she's malnutrution... Therefore, suggested to keep her overnight for further observation & was told that I'll be receiving a call tmr morning at 8am to keep a update of her condition, hopefully I won't be receiving any call tonight if not it's gonna be a bad news... :( Paid $200 as a deposit to keep FynFyn overnight there before leaving the clinic...
Cab over to Loyang to pray for little FynFyn, hopefully nothing will happen to her & she will get over this close shave... After praying, spend some time there watching ''On The Fringe'' shown on Channel 8 before we went off at 10pm after the drama had ended... Cabbed back home from Changi, yet to have my dinner as I've no appetite to eat at all.... Mind full of thoughts, wondering how's FynFyn, did she get better, did the doctor / nurses fed her on time, did they put on blanket for her, etc?? To ease my worried, called up the clinic & spoke to Dr Woo to check on FynFyn condition & I was told that she's feeling much better, at least I felt much better after hearing that... Tried to get myself to sleep after hanging the call & hoping for a better tmr...
I missed waking up in the middle of the night making milk for FynFyn, I missed the whining of FynFyn in the middle of the night wanting me to carry her out of her tray...