An unknown guy added me in msn this morning & chatted with me in the noon... Below are the conversation betwwen us...
Valour21 says:Hi...
fErLyN.eNg.PL says:Hello...
Valour21 says:What u doing now? Working?
fErLyN.eNg.PL says:Yes...
Valour21 says:Working as?
fErLyN.eNg.PL says:recep...
Valour21 says:Oic...Ask you something, are u single?
fErLyN.eNg.PL says:No... I'm attached...=)
Valour21 says:Oic... For how long already?
fErLyN.eNg.PL says:Coming 8 mths...
Valour21 says:Still honeymood period...Do you mind if i were to date u out after ur work...
fErLyN.eNg.PL says:sorry, I think no... I don't have the time...
Valour21 says:ok...if u wanna to meet someone, even u're busy, u'll always find ways to meet. However, if u don't wish to meet a person, u can always find reasons to avoid meeting him up... All depends how sincere u want to make friend...
fErLyN.eNg.PL says:yEs...TrUe...bUt I've a BF now too, isn't it nOt gOod to Meet Up alone with a gUy behind hIs back?If he happen to find oUt, he'll feel so chEated...I don't wan it to happen...
Valour21 says:Well, u always can ur freedom to make friends, right
fErLyN.eNg.PL says:=)hope U'll Understand..., I agree...
Valour21 says:Well, u just cheating urself not to make mistake only
fErLyN.eNg.PL says:yA... Maybe...
Valour21 says:if u truly in love with ur bf, no matter wat it takes, nothing will change the fact that ur love is deep to win anything in this worldAvoiding doesn't mean u won't make the mistake... u just trying to deny the day will comeor u want to put urself in test whether your love for ur bf is true and everlasting
fErLyN.eNg.PL says:Maybe so...
Valour21 says:even other guys after u, ur love for him is deep, nothing will change ur lovefor ur bfso what is the issue if u meet other guys unless u have no faith in urself and the relationship btw u and ur bf
fErLyN.eNg.PL says:pUt Urself in My BF shoes... If Ur GF went Out to Meet with gUys whIch U don't even know...hOw will U feel I jUst don't wan hIm to lose trUst In Me..
Valour21 says:Well, i do respect her decisionif she wanna to someone like her friends, she have the freedom to do so cos i cannot stop her from making friends
fErLyN.eNg.PL says:anywAy, Maybe diff ppl had diff point of view...=0
Valour21 says:trust is to establish my ex will inform me in advance and i will tell her to enjoy herself but do take care of herselfgive me a call when she reached homeyup i do agreed with u
fErLyN.eNg.PL says:My BF will tell Me tHis too...
Valour21 says:different ppl have different perspective in life
fErLyN.eNg.PL says:bUt at least I knw My limit..I do pLay & enjoy Myself...bUt at least I'M nOt likE soMe other girls who likE to bitch aroUnd...cos I know I still have a BF...=)
Valour21 says:well, i'm just date u out for some coffee or supper, nothing wrong with tat right well, i do understand wat u're coming from so no worriesjust make friends
fErLyN.eNg.PL says:yEa... I didn't sAy anyThIng wrong oR wHat...
Valour21 says:seemed like u're quite defensive person
fErLyN.eNg.PL says:bUt to Me, it's nOt that nice...hAHa...perharps...
Valour21 says:ok...
Well, I believe that different people have different point of view... Why should I meet him alone when we don't even know each other at all, even if we were to meet, surely I won't be meeting them alone... I just feel that it's not the right way to meet up alone with a guy behind my BF back, without him knowing at all... Cos I know the feeling won't be good, what if my BF did the same thing to me? I won't be feeling any good too... Guess I've disspoint this guy here, maybe he can find another better target... Good luck to him...